Früher, als wir Arbeiter alle noch Sklaven waren, mußte unser Patron (so heißen die Chefs in Portugal noch heute), sofern er uns quittwerden wollte......verkaufen !
Heute braucht er uns nur zu entlassen.
Wie teuer war so ein Negersklave im Vergleich mit einer Kuhhaut ?
Es gab Zeiten, da war die Kuhhaut wertvoller:
Die alte Negersklavin war nur noch einen Schilling wert....
Original des Dokuments des Inventars
zur Ermittlung des Nachlasses
von Robert Burton
zur Ermittlung des Nachlasses
von Robert Burton
Percle of old Casks ................"17 6
Five ox and cows hides........ 1 17 6
Percle of flax in the Sheaves 1 10 "
Percle of ? in the Sheaves and Sorn oats 1 12 6
Percle of Corn in the Crib..... 12 10 "
One Black mare.......................8 " "
One Black mare ......................8 " "
One Dun horse .......................8 " "
One Bay mare three years old 7 10 "
One Gray mare three years old 7 " "
One old mare ..........................3 " "
Thirty two Sheep and Sixteen ? 13 10 "
One Yoak of oxen called Lam and Lyon 8 " "
One yak of oxen called Levon and Sweetern 7 " "
One Bull ..................................2 10 "
Two three years old Steers .....3 15 "
Two two year old Steers..........1 15 "
Two Four years old Heffers ......4 " "
One Three year old Heffers ......1 10 "
Three two yeare old Heffers .....3 15 "
Two year old Steers.................. 1 15 "
Two cows and calves one called Pride the other Cherry..... 4 " "
Two cows and calves one called Bounce the other Satten...... 5 10 "
Two cows and yearlings ............6 " "
Two Barren cows .......................5 " "
One negro man called grim ......60 " "
One negro man called Peter ....60 " "
One negro man called Dublen...65 " "
One negro Boy called Bell......... 35 " "
One negro Boy called Spencer...30 " "
One negro woman called Diner...50 " "
One negro woman called Hanner 50 " "
One negro woman (old) called Hob 1 " "
Fifty Pound of woll........................ 8 15 "
Hard Cash in the House.......... 13 19 4
One Two years old Bull.............. 1 10 "
Wie menschlich !
Sklaven und Stallvieh besaßen einen eigenen Namen.
Davon können beide heutzutage nur noch träumen.
via Casoual
Posted by Ralf
at 7:44 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 16 August 2007 8:54 PM BST