Früher, als wir Arbeiter alle noch Sklaven waren, mußte unser Patron (so heißen die Chefs in Portugal noch heute), sofern er uns quittwerden wollte......verkaufen !
Heute braucht er uns nur zu entlassen.
Wie teuer war so ein Negersklave im Vergleich mit einer Kuhhaut ?
Es gab Zeiten, da war die Kuhhaut wertvoller:
Die alte Negersklavin war nur noch einen Schilling wert....
zur Ermittlung des Nachlasses
von Robert Burton
Percle of old Casks ................"17 6
Five ox and cows hides........ 1 17 6
Percle of flax in the Sheaves 1 10 "
Percle of ? in the Sheaves and Sorn oats 1 12 6
Percle of Corn in the Crib..... 12 10 "
One Black mare.......................8 " "
One Black mare ......................8 " "
One Dun horse .......................8 " "
One Bay mare three years old 7 10 "
One Gray mare three years old 7 " "
One old mare ..........................3 " "
Thirty two Sheep and Sixteen ? 13 10 "
One Yoak of oxen called Lam and Lyon 8 " "
One yak of oxen called Levon and Sweetern 7 " "
One Bull ..................................2 10 "
Two three years old Steers .....3 15 "
Two two year old Steers..........1 15 "
Two Four years old Heffers ......4 " "
One Three year old Heffers ......1 10 "
Three two yeare old Heffers .....3 15 "
Two year old Steers.................. 1 15 "
Two cows and calves one called Pride the other Cherry..... 4 " "
Two cows and calves one called Bounce the other Satten...... 5 10 "
Two cows and yearlings ............6 " "
Two Barren cows .......................5 " "
One negro man called grim ......60 " "
One negro man called Peter ....60 " "
One negro man called Dublen...65 " "
One negro Boy called Bell......... 35 " "
One negro Boy called Spencer...30 " "
One negro woman called Diner...50 " "
One negro woman called Hanner 50 " "
One negro woman (old) called Hob 1 " "
Fifty Pound of woll........................ 8 15 "
Hard Cash in the House.......... 13 19 4
One Two years old Bull.............. 1 10 "
Wie menschlich !
Sklaven und Stallvieh besaßen einen eigenen Namen.
Davon können beide heutzutage nur noch träumen.